The Journal

Disordered Eating: When Anger Has Nowhere Else To Go
Even when it seems like you’re feeling nothing but numb, lurking beneath the surface is the anger that’s being suppressed by your eating disorder....
Eating Disorder Recovery: Overcoming Denial of Your Past
Individuals with an eating disorder or disordered eating are often unaware of the source of their pain. In order to begin the recovery process,...

The Four Things Keeping You From Being Happy
What are your happiness roadblocks? A recent Harris poll revealed that only 33% of Americans are very happy. If happiness is a natural state...

Facing Your Fears
There are so many things in life to be truly fearful of. So often we neglect those things in order to concentrate on the...

The Importance of Sports and Play for Boys
An 8-Step Audit of Your Son’s Activities Among the wonderful assets available to you, as parents, to help your son build character and self-discipline,...

9 Tips for Communicating With Your Teenage Son
Have you ever sat down to have a conversation with your teenage son, and after minutes of slouching body posture, endless fidgeting, blank stares,...

Is Facebook Destroying Friendships?
Using "friend" as a verb is a recent phenomenon, thanks to Facebook. According to its website, Facebook users average about 130 friends each. Some...

Defending Unhealthy Diets
With a sigh of relief, Debbie stepped inside the house, locking the front door behind her. The first thing off was her shoes. The...