
Find an Accountability Partner in Life
Have you ever felt that you were letting other people determine what kind of day you were going to have? If they were angry,...

The Problem with Disconnection and Isolation
Healthy people are growing people, and people do not grow healthy in isolation. We need each other for many reasons, including companionship, encouragement, support,...

4 Ways to Support Your Young Adult
Young adults are still young into their twenties. Just how far into their twenties really becomes individual to each person. In general, young men...

6 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships
We constantly use relationships to determine our position in life. We observe the people around us and make decisions about who we are based...

Discovering Your True Needs in Life
It can be very difficult to determine what you consider a desire and a need in your life. When asked, you may give what...

Do You Have Negative Thoughts Patterns From Emotional Abuse?
Almost everyone I’ve worked with on uncovering and healing from emotional abuse will, at some point in the process, ask why they have to...

Reducing Conflict in Toxic Relationships
Being in a relationship with an emotionally abusive person means you are constantly engaged in a battle of wills at some level. These battles...

Deepening Your Spiritual Intimacy
Just as we were created to take control of our thoughts, have a healthy range of emotions, be social beings, and fuel our bodies...

Problem Solving After Emotional Abuse
Are you working through emotional abuse and looking for ways to solve problems moving forward? I’ve developed a list of characteristics of healthy problem-solvers....

God’s Grace and The Power of Acceptance
Most of the pain in our lives comes from the actions of others wounding us, and our own wrong choices compound the pain. To...

Tell Me All about It!
This month I have invited Hannah Smith, MA LMHC CGP, Group Therapy Training & Curriculum Consultant for The Center, to write a guest blog...

Expecting Positive Change
This month I have invited Hannah Smith, MA LMHC CGP, Group Therapy Training & Curriculum Consultant for The Center, to write a guest blog...